Sunday, October 21, 2007


I have a very hard time making much sense of this "contraption." Even with the explanation i find id difficult. It seems as though that this piece is very much revolving around male desire and female stimulating it. Thank you It is pretty much two huge glass panes that has a bunch of crap on it. Wire, paper, foil, and some other stuff. There are two panels, the top one has a big brown machine, the "bride," that spits stuff into the second panel. In the lower panel there are cloths it appears to be hanging on something. Next to it is a continuously moving object that is helping what ever it is progress throughout the rest of the piece. It consists of sieves, and a chocolate grinder and scissors and waterwheel and some other gizmos that i cannot identify. This piece proves to me that "good art" comes from the explanation. Pretty much whoever can bullshit the best. You could say whatever you want about something and it has to mean what ever you say because only YOU know what it means. IT COULD EVEN MEAN NOTHING. But, it will ALWAYS be what you say it is. You could get a huge pile of trash from the dump and put it in a room and, if you can explain it correctly, it's art. Not to say that Duchamp's work is trash. I'm just saying. I like his other work more.

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