Monday, September 17, 2007

soup lots of soup...

The string project we did in class was crazy. But, I remember (faintly) learning something. Everyone at the beginning went every which direction but as we tangled the room more and more I noticed people stopped the round the room movement and began throwing the balls. The string overlapped and made a huge web wrapped around almost everyone and everything. Was this an example for a line? Earlier that class we talked about line and shape and their meaning. A line is now presented before me, in string form. Right? All this is very confusing because if a shape is a closed figure.. I was seeing "closed figures" all over the place. So... to be a shape does that area that is contained in the shape have to be filled. A line cannot be filled. It can and cannot be continuous. Our lines ended... and so did our fun when we had to untangle everything... but it wasn't THAT bad.

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